Template Pages

Change the design of your homepage

Purpose: Template used to customize the design of the home page of your store.

Notes: The template is identical to a category template, with the difference that some code blocks such as paging are not included; as they are not necessary. The list of code blocks are below, for more details on how to customize each block, please review the category_x.html notes.

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

For example:

        <!--START: ITEM_TEMPLATE_0-->
          <!--START: product_review-->
            <!--START: product_review_average-->
            <!--END: product_review_average-->
          <!--END: product_review-->
        <!--START: ITEMPRICE-->
        <!--END: ITEMPRICE-->
        <!--START: SALEPRICE-->
        <!--END: SALEPRICE-->
        <!--END: ITEM_TEMPLATE_0-->
      <!--END: CATEGORY_ITEMS-->
    <!--END: FEATURE_MENU-->

Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.

Note: Many of the following variables are dynamically inserted from your cart's Settings ->Design ->Store Language section.

  • [category_Header-specials] - Displays the Title of "Featured Products" header of the page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [catalogid] - This variable inserts the product's catalog ID wherever applicable for scripting when the product is referenced. (i.e. Product images, links to product, etc.)
  • [THUMBNAIL] - Inserts the respective product's thumbnail image.
  • [name] - Inserts the product's Name information.
  • [review_average] - Inserts the product's individual Rating Average
  • [product_yourprice] - Displays the Title of the "Your Price" section of the Product's pricing section. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [ITEMPRICE] - Inserts the Product's Price information.
  • [product_onsale] - Displays the Title of the "On Sale" section of the Product's pricing section. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [ITEMSALEPRICE] - Inserts the Product's Sale Price information.
  • [category_buyitlink] - Displays the Title of the "Add to Cart" button/link. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)

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Screenshot of the home.html Template