Template Pages

Change the design of your RMA Page

Purpose: This template is used by customers when viewing an existing Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) ticket.

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

For example:

    <!--START: return-->
    <!--END: return-->
    <!--START: RMA-->
    <!--START: print-->
    <!--END: print-->
    <!--START: items-->
    <!--END: items-->
    <!--START: options-->
    <!--END: options-->
    <!--START: comments-->
    <!--END: comments-->
    <!--START: staffComments-->
    <!--END: staffComments-->
    <!--END: RMA-->

Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.

Note: Many of the following variables are dynamically inserted from your cart's Settings ->Design ->Store Language section.

  • [oNumber] - Used by the Software to reference the order number.
  • [RmaNumber] - Used by the Software to reference the RMA number.
  • [rma_header-rmatitle] - Displays the Title of the "My Account - RMA View" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rma_header-rmanumber] - Displays the Title of the "RMA NUmber:" section. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [RmaNumber] - Inserts the RMA number.
  • [rma_header-rmaprint] - Displays the Title of the "Print Version" link. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rma_header-rmacustomername] - Displays the Title of the "Customer Name:" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [Customer] - Inserts the Customer's Name information.
  • [rma_header-rmaordernumber] - Displays the Title of the "Order Number:" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [oid2] - Inserts the Order Number information.
  • [rma_header-rmaorderitems] - Displays the Title of the "Order Items" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rma_header-rmaorder-item-id] - Displays the Title of the "Item Id" column heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rma_header-rmaorder-item-description] - Displays the Title of the "Description" column heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rma_header-rmaorder-item-unitprice] - Displays the Title of the "Unit Price" column heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rma_header-rmaorder-item-qty] - Displays the Title of the "Purchased" column heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rma_header-rmaorder-item-qtyrtn] - Displays the Title of the "Returned" column heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rma_header-rmaorder-item-qtyrcvd] - Displays the Title of the "Received" column heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [Id] - Inserts the Item ID/SKU information within the order items listing.
  • [idx] - Used by the Software to reference the Item's database ID
  • [IdItem] - Used by the Software to reference the Item's Product ID.
  • [Description] - Inserts the Product's name information.
  • [uPrice] - Inserts the Product's Unit Price.
  • [Qty] - Inserts the number of units purchased.
  • [qr] - Inserts the the number of Items set for return on the RMA.
  • [qre] - Inserts the the number of Items received for the RMA.
  • [rma_header-rmaorder-rtn-option] - Displays the Title of the "Order Return Options" heading of the page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rma_header-rmaorder-rtn-reason] - Displays the Title of the "Reason" column header. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rma_header-rmaorder-rtn-method] - Displays the Title of the "Method" column header. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rma_header-rmaorder-rtn-status] - Displays the Title of the "RMA Status" column header. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [Reason] - Inserts the applicable RMA Reason recorded on the RMA.
  • [Method] - Inserts the applicable RMA Method recorded on the RMA.
  • [Status] - Inserts the current Status recorded on the RMA.
  • [rma_header-rmacomments] - Displays the Title of the "My Comments" heading of the page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rma_header-staffcomments] - Displays the Title of the "Store Comments" heading of the page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [comments] - Displays and references the entered customer comments on the page.
  • [staffcomments] - Displays and references the entered Staff comments on the page.

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Screenshot of the my_rma.html Template