Template Pages

Change the design page of a new Product Review

Purpose: This template controls the Pop-Up Page that displays when customers add a new review.

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

For example:

    <!--START: newReviewForm-->
      <!--START: nameTxt-->
      <!--END: nameTxt-->
      <!--START: nameHdn-->
      <!--END: nameHdn-->
      <!--START: emailTxt-->
      <!--END: emailTxt-->
      <!--START: emailHdn-->
      <!--END: emailHdn-->
      <!--START: captcha-->
      <!--END: captcha-->
      <!--START: validateNameEmail-->
      <!--END: validateNameEmail-->
      <!--START: captchascript-->
      <!--END: captchascript-->
    <!--END: newReviewForm-->
    <!--START: newReviewThankyou-->
    <!--END: newReviewThankyou-->
    <!--START: errorMsg-->
    <!--END: errorMsg-->

Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.

Note: Some of these variables are used in multiple places on the page, with their dynamic content controlled by the code block used in each instance.

  • [reviews_add] - Displays the Title of the "Add Review" heading on the Pop-up page. (See Settings ->Deisgn ->Store Language)
  • [name] - Inserts the Product's name for which the Review is being left.
  • [catalogid] - Used by the Software to reference the Product's Database ID.
  • [custName] - This variable references the Customer's Name information. (Note: If customer is logged in to their account, the Name will be inserted.)
  • [custEmail] - This variable references the Customer's Email information. (Note: If customer is logged in to their account, the Email will be inserted.)
  • [errorMsg] - If the Review Submission results in an error message (bad incorrect word, duplicate review, etc) this variable will insert the message.

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Screenshot of the product_review_new.html Template