Template Pages

Change the design of your Reward Details Page

Purpose: This template displays a a history of a customer's rewards points. Along with the total number of Reward Points available to them, this page will also show orders that have rewarded points to their account, orders that have been generated from redeeming points from their account, as well as points that may have been added directly to their account from the Online Store Manager.

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

For example:

		<!--START: myAccount-->
		<!--END: myAccount-->
		<!--START: rewards-->
			<!--START: rewardsNoDetail-->
			<!--END: rewardsNoDetail-->
			<!--START: rewardsDetail-->
				<!--START: orderLink-->
				<!--END: orderLink-->
			<!--END: rewardsDetail-->
			<!--START: rewardsTotal-->
			<!--END: rewardsTotal-->
		<!--END: rewards-->

Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.

Note: Many of the following variables are dynamically inserted from your cart's Settings ->Design ->Store Language section.

  • [rewards_details-detail] - Displays the Title of the "My Rewards - Detail" heading of the page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rewards_details-header-date] - Displays the Title of the "Date" Column for the details listing. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rewards_details-header-points] - Displays the Title of the "Points" Column for the details listing. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rewards_details-header-reference] - Displays the Title of the "Reference" Column for the details listing. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rewards_details-nohistory] - If the customer record has no reward point history at all, this variable will display the title of the "No rewards history" message. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rwdDate] - Inserts the Date and Timestamp for when the Reward Points were added or redeemed on the Customer Record.
  • [rwdPoints] - Inserts the amount of Reward Points added or redeemed on the Customer Record.
  • [orderid] - Used by the Software to reference and link to the Order Invoice with which the Reward Points were added or redeemed.
  • [rwdReference] - Inserts the Order/Invoice ID (or reference message) with which the Reward POints were accrued or redeemed.
  • [rewards_details-header-pointsAvailable] - Displays the Title of the "Total Points Available" field heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [rwdTotalPoints] - Inserts the Total number of available Reward Points.
  • [account_rewards-header-redeem] - Displays the Title of the "Redeem" link/button. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)

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Screenshot of the reward_detail.html Template